Starting the Day

by Leon

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A proper breakfast gives you the energy to carry out tasks throughout the day. Not only that, after a long night of sleeping, your blood sugar is low. Blood sugar gives your brain and muscles a boost. Starting your day out right physically can affect the entirety of your day. I couldn’t help but find similarities with starting the day right, spiritually. Sometimes in a morning rush, we can put off our time spent with God.

We get out of bed, we rush to do our small tasks before work, school, appointments, etc. I noticed that if I started my day off without first connecting to God, it was a lot easier for me to fall victim to stress. Not only that, but I often felt spiritually drained as the day progressed. Starting my day off without first connecting with God also often led me to make poor decisions during crucial moments of the day.

It may seem like something minor, but a few minutes of prayer when you first wake up can change your life in phenomenal ways. Thanking God for giving you the strength to get up, asking for wisdom and guidance to make the right choices. Reading a Psalm before going out to work. Making God your first priority of the day will replenish you spiritually.

“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning…” – Psalm 59:16

David wrote that Psalm when Saul sent his men to put him to death. I recommend you read it in full context. David was wise, although his enemies surrounded him, he knew that if he was to get through these challenges, he would need God each morning. We may not have a physical army after us like David, but we do experience attacks from a spiritual army. The Bible warns us that the devil, our adversary, is like a roaring lion constantly looking for whom he might devour. Making sure that you are spiritually charged and ready to take on the day is a powerful defense.

The world is filled with temptations, lies, and chaos. But God is our refuge, guide, and shelter. They say the most important meal of the day is your first one. I believe that’s true not only physically but spiritually. How can you start your day out right, today?


Amaryllis is just your average Hispanic woman. She is a devoted Christian, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Although life has taken her on many twists and turns, she now has a career in education. She strives to share her story with as many people as possible and only hopes to inspire the same from others.

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