Planting Good Seeds & Guarding Against the Bad

by Leon

Every day we make choices. In all that we do, we present ourselves in some way to others.  At work, in class, in our homes, to our spouses, and our family. We live our lives and we just naturally present ourselves to people daily.

As Christians, we must remember that we no longer live for ourselves, but we live for the Creator of all things. Planting good seeds can be done every day by holding our actions around people accountable. For example, if you hear friends gossiping about someone, you are presented with the choice to engage in it. As a Christian, you can plant a good seed by changing the topic or simply walking away. The same applies to anger and arguments. Perhaps there is tension between you and someone else, if that’s the case, you can plant a good seed by avoiding this argument and trying to lower the tension.

Maybe you’re in a situation where there is a lot of sadness coming from people around you. You can plant good seeds by telling others about the promises of the Bible or by comforting them as much as possible. There are many ways to plant good seeds. After all, we know the truth and carry the good news in our hearts. We are living carriers of good seeds.

However, you must be warned, it’s easy to get caught up in the world and take in bad seeds. That’s why it’s extremely important to renew your mind daily through the Bible. It’s also important to make sure you aren’t letting anyone plant bad seeds in you. The Bible tells us bad company can corrupt good character. So, it’s important to watch that you are not taking in constant negativity which goes against the word of God.

This doesn’t have to just be exclusive to negative people. TV shows, music, and even certain books can plant seeds in your heart that go against the truth. It’s up to you to use discernment, and ask yourself: Is this show/song/book pleasing to God? Is it influencing me positive spiritually or is it taking away from me?

My challenge to you: Pray that God will use you to plant good seeds among those involved in your daily life. Ask that He reveal how you can go about planting those seeds. I also challenge you to review yourself: Is there anyone or anything influencing you negatively in your spiritual life? Consider praying that God will reveal that to you as well and consider how you can change that.


Amaryllis is just your average Hispanic woman. She is a devoted Christian, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Although life has taken her on many twists and turns, she now has a career in education. She strives to share her story with as many people as possible and only hopes to inspire the same from others.

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