by Leon
I am sheltered by a solid stone,
And protected by the mightiest dome.
Shielded in innocence, sheltered by wings
I stand steadfast by Him who sits upon a throne.
No valley before me, nor depth unknown–
Not the myriads of tempests, nor cyclone alone.
Shall I ever fear that which is unbeknown?
My Refugee–
My Guide–
By grace alone does courage abide.
My Rock–
My Fortress–
Shall I ever leave Thy side?
Though I may slip, and through sin backslide–
In Thy mercy shall I always confide.
Cover me–
For in Thee I hide.
I stand firm in buckler and breastplate.
No arrow–
No sword–
Nor wicked sulfate–
Naught shall dismay thine eyes from narrow and the straight.