Our Words Matter

Think back to a time when someone said something to you that affected you. It could have been something that affected you positively or negatively. Maybe it was something that affected you temporarily or maybe it was something that lives with you […]

It Is Finished

“So, when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” – John 19:30 This is the weekend where we get together with family, friends, other churchgoers and celebrate everything Jesus […]

God is Real

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very analytical person. Before I decide on anything, I have to analyze all the possibilities that could occur if I make that one decision. I am also an optimistic realist. What that means […]

Truth Hurts

With everything that is going on in the United States lately, one question keeps coming to mind. How much longer will I be allowed to write in this blog? Maybe some of you think I am getting a little ahead of myself […]

Don’t Be Ashamed

In the past, I have spoken about truth. I have mentioned how society has chosen to believe that there is no ultimate truth. However, as Christians, we know that God’s word (the Bible) is the ultimate truth. Within its pages, we will […]