Where do you turn?

by Leon People often find comfort in various material things. It is said by many that money can buy happiness. People often find comfort in relationships, whether they be a relationship of intimacy or just by socially being surrounded by a variety […]

I Am Good Enough

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that […]

There is Hope

by Leon We call this blog Hopeful Flower. Hope is a powerful word; the word hope can bring so much power and emphasis to an otherwise empty paragraph. “My situation is a mess; life is overcoming me. I’m stressed, tired and upset. […]

Focus on Him

It’s crazy to see how much our lives have changed in such a short period. Not that long, we were going about our lives without a care in the world. We weren’t worried about germs, the economy, or our freedoms. Now, all […]

A Prayer for You

Hello again everyone. I pray you are all doing well in these hard times. Today I  am going to do something different. Throughout the last two weeks, I have seen many different kinds of leaders come forward to encourage us all to […]

A Cry

by Leon A desert set before me– empty and vast, A cry to my Father– “How will these people last?” An echoing voice, reminders all the same. Be steadfast– And,  “Cling tightly to My staff.” The unjust pursue us– tyranny seeking to […]

Forgive and Forget

Every week, I try to think of different topics to write about. This week was no different. I thought about writing similar to what Leon wrote about. I thought about writing on the topic of being courageous in these current times. However, […]