You’re Not Alone

Life is full of surprises. There are so many twists and turns to it. Sometimes it can be unsettling how unpredictable life is. As much as we plan for things, there is always something unexpected around the corner. However, whether we are […]

Laugh and Be Thankful

Thanksgiving. A holiday full of family, love…food. So much food. I am sure if you ask anyone what their favorite thing about Thanksgiving is, they would probably say it was the food. Not going to lie, it’s my favorite part. Then again, […]

Defining a Mother

In the Bible, there are so many stories about mothers. Some of the most famous mothers in the Bible are Eve, Sarah, Rachel and Mary the mother of Jesus. Each of these women had amazing trials and are amazing examples of what […]

True Rest

I don’t know about you guys, but I always feel like my brain is going a million miles an hour. As one thought enters my mind, another replaces it and then another. I am not sure if it’s like that for everyone, […]